Kamis, 07 Mei 2015


NAMA            : Safrina Andhita
NPM               : 16211548
KELAS           : 4EA25
Ronald Rulindo, Ph.D
Head of Islamic Finance and Risk Management Research at Indonesia Deposit Insurance Corporation
Senin, 4 Mei 2015
Kampus D Gedung 460 Universitas Gunadarma

Being Global Leader In Islamic Finance” mengetahui apa itu finance system. Finance system adalah suatu kegiatan yang memungkinkan bisa terjadinya proses pengumpulan dana atau transfer antara invertor dan peminjam. Sedangkan Islamic Finance adalah sama saja dengan Finance system hanya saja pada Islamic Finance menggunakan system syariah didalamnya.
Ada beberapa tujuan dari Islamic Finance system :
-    Membuat produk-produk keuangan syariah yang sama dengan produk-produk konvensional namun berlandaskan prinsip syariah.
-  Menciptakan keadilan dalam sistem keuangan (tujuan yang paling penting).

Mengapa kita perlu dalam global leader ?
-            Menciptakan riba free ekonomi
-           Mewujudkan keadilan sosial
-            Membrantas kemiskinan
-           Mendukung kemajuan ekonomi lewat ekonomi syariah

Inti atau isi dari system mudarabah dalam syariah ?
°  Teori bagi hasil
°   Kalau ada keuntungan dibagikan
°   Kalau terjadi kerugian itu resiko investor

Strengthening&Harmonizing rules, Regulation , and Supervision :
o   Perlunya keserasian antara hukum yang berlaku dengan ketentuan syariah.
o   Peraturan yang dibuat oleh Lembaga Pengawas Perbankan harus mendorong dilaksanakannya prinsip syariah dengan sepenuhnya.
o   Corrective action yang tegas terhadap pelanggaran atas kepatuhan terhadap prinsip syariah harus diperjelas.
o   Peraturan yang dibuat memberikan insentif pada lembaga keuangan syariah.

Apa yang dicari dalam global leader ?
  • Kekayaan
  • Kebahagiaan di akhirat
Kelebihan Islamic Finance System :
  • Zakat
  • Waqaf
  • Infaq
  • Sadaqah
Sharia Bank dimulai tahun 1960-1970
Awal berdirinya Islamic Bank :
  • 1970 --> Islamic Development Bank
  • 1980 --> Dubai Islamic Bank
  • 1990 --> Muamalat Indonesia
Siapa global leader di Indonesia ?
Akademisi :
  • Faqih Ustman
  • Dr.Dort Maka
Praktisi dan Regulator :
  • Islah Abdul Gani (CIMB Syariah)
  • Dr.Zefi Antaraziz (Gubernur Bank of Malaysia)
  • Rivan Ahmad Abdul Karim
Pengusaha :
  • Sulaiman Al-Razi (pendiri Al-Razi Bank)
  • Galah Al Barakah
3 (tiga) hal Islamic Finance dalam mendampingi pengusaha kecil :
  • Teknikal kapasiti
  • Kemampuan manajerial
  • Spiritual

Apa yang harus dilakukan untuk menjadi Globa Leader in Islamic Finance ?
-          Luruskan niat kepada Allah
-            Perluas wawasan
-            Memperbanyak ilmu
-            Bangun visi yang jelas

Sabtu, 02 Mei 2015


Active sentence and passive sentences
Active sentence (active voice) is a sentence in which the subject is doing the work, by contrast, passive sentences (passive voice) is the subject of his sentences which are subject to a work by the object of the sentence.

The formula of active sentence :
1.      Active Sentence
Subject + Verb + Object
2.      Passive Sentence
S+ auxilary verb + verb 3 + O

Examples of active - passive sentence :
Ø  [Active] We clean the house every week.
[Passive] The house is cleaned by us every week.
Ø  [Active] She kicks the ball very hard.
v [Passive] The ball is kicked by her very hard.
Ø  [Active] I called my mother yesterday.
[Passive] My mother was called by me last night.
Ø  [Active] She ate two hamburgers at a time.
[Passive] Two hamburgers were eaten by her at a time.
Ø  [Active] Sarah has made many cakes.
[Passive] Many cakes have been made by Sarah.
Ø  [Active] Raffi had told a nice story to me.
[Passive] A nice story had been told by Raffi to me.
Ø  [Active] You can borrow these books.
[Passive] The books can be borrowed by you.
Ø  [Active] We watched the Jurasic Park Movie on the cinema yesterday.
[Passive] The Jurasic Park Movie was watched by us yesterday.
Ø  [Active] He studied Mathematics yesterday.
[Passive] The mathematics is studied by him yesterday.
Ø  [Active] They had won the race after had hard work.
[Passive] The race had been won by us after had hard work.

Examples of passive - active  sentence :
[Passive] The letter had been written by me to my village before I had come.
Ø  [Active] I had written the letter to my village before I had come.
[Passive] The ball was being played by them together at noon yesterday.
Ø  [Active] They were playing the ball together at noon yesterday.
[Passive] I was being driven by my father to my school yesterday in the morning.
Ø  [Active] My father was driving me to my school yesterday in the morning.
[Passive] This plant is watered by me every day.
Ø  [Active] I always water this plant every day.
[Passive] Our grandmother is visited by us every 2 months.
Ø  [Active] We visit our grandmother every 2 months.
[Passive] The novel is being read by him.
Ø  [Active] He is reading a novel now.
[Passive] I have been told by my father not to go to the beach.
Ø  [Active] My father has told me not to go to the beach.
[Passive] The show had been being watched by me for 2 hours.
Ø  [Active] I had been being watching the show for 2 hours.
[Passive] Her computer was being fixed by me when she came.
Ø  [Active] I was fixing her computer when she came.
[Passive] John was being punched by Denny right in his face when the teacher came.
Ø  [Active] Denny was punching John right in his face when the teacher came.

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